
  • A Fellow Researcher

    Observation Today a fellow researcher mentioned that she wanted to publish her findings on a WordPress blog. The researchers with a multimedia background promised to give an introduction to “add images and media“. Deduction I: WordPress is everywhere. It’s not just a question of the odd multimedia designer student mocking up a web presence or webshop. WordPress…

  • Pandoc, Markdown and eBook-production

    Why don’t you save the long pandoc command lines as a bash script? In this project I write in Markdown most of the time. I may need the same text in many formats: .docx for the boss .pdf for nice presentations .tex for serious work .epub for ebooks .mobi for Kindle I have chosen to…

  • Research Database Improved

    I found out that a URL field would be nice. So here’s the new and improved research database schema. During research I often meet online sources. In this way they are stored in one place. Originally the database was an implementation of the “Liza Matrix” (named after Dr. Liza Castro’s talk on literature reviews). The…

  • Fra portfolio til praktik

    Følge 3. semester fra portfolio til internship report. Hermed er der erfaringsbaseret materiale fra de studerende til en analyse. Tidslinjen ser sÃ¥dan ud: 3. semester – portfolio skabes. 3. semester – praktikplads findes. 4. semester – praktik afvikles. 4. semester – praktikrapport. Teknisk set bliver jeg nødt til at anvende rapporterne fra F14 – eftersom…

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