
  • [Error Solved] WordPress Style Variations: Cannot Assign Font to  Elements

    [Error Solved] WordPress Style Variations: Cannot Assign Font to Elements

    This solution is rather a workaround, but the main problem is solved. When you add a WordPress Style Variation it is possible to add a new font. However in the style editor it seems that the new font cannot be enabled. When you save, the font is automaticly changed back to the original font. There…

  • How to Create Style Variations in a WordPress Theme – the lazy easy way

    How to Create Style Variations in a WordPress Theme – the lazy easy way

    Did you know that you can create your own style variations? In the theme folder ./styles you’ll find the style files. They are named after their intended effect, e.g. .styles/blues.json. Mostly these files will create changes to colors or gradients. If you want to add fonts you’ll have to add lines to the JSON. Here…

  • Chess Puzzle

    Chess Puzzle

    This daily chess puzzle is embedded from The puzzle is embedded in an iframe inside a custom HTML block.

  • Embedded Chess Game

    Embedded Chess Game

    You can embed a chess game that was played on LiChess. Here I used the <iframe> option from Lichess. The game is auto-annotated by Stockfish. Sicilian is one of my favorite openings as black. You can embed many APIs in a similar way.

  • Block Based WooCommerce

    Block Based WooCommerce

    These are my research notes about the new Woo blocks. By now WooCommerce has changed totally. Now everything is block based, and this will make all editing much more easy – since all is done by drag and drop. Exactly as we know it from the Gutenberg editor. Jamie Marshland: 10 minutes Woo Introduction In…

  • WordPress: How to Solve Cache Issues

    Sometimes you’ll see that your corrections to CSS or scripts don’t seem to work. If it is not an issue with your code, perhaps the problem is cashing either on the server or in the browser. To me the best cure of caching issues is: Here is a good article about cache issues when you…

  • Marsland: Changes Coming to WordPress in 2024

    New features in WordPress by J. Marsland. A few of the news are: Now we’re at it: Typical Beginner Errors Yet another useful Marsland video. Most beginners make these errors. Marsland suggest this workflow:

  • Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2023

    Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2023

    In this video from Madrid the inventor of WP Matt Mullenweg presents new trends and options with WordPress. Trend: WP Playground One of the most exciting news is the WP playground. Now you can develop a WP solution – with PHP and plugins – in the browser. Try WP Playground! Trend: AI Matt made an…

  • Fonts in theme.json

    Fonts in theme.json

    How to add fonts to a WordPress theme in the theme.json or style.json. Here is the JSON. Place this object in in settings.fontfamilies: The file format .woff2 is recommended, however you can have fallback files in the array with the path to the font-file. Bug (WP 6.4.2) However, there is a bug in WP 6.4…

  • Gutenberg Blocks Markup Cheat Sheet

    Do you want to create a WordPress theme from scratch? Here is my cheat sheet about Gutenberg blocks.

  • Tutorial: How to Modify a WordPress 6.* Style

    Tutorial: How to Modify a WordPress 6.* Style

    In this tutorial you will learn how to modify a WordPress style and save it as your own. As a bonus you will be able to save your entire theme in a Github repository.

  • WordPress: How to Style a Block Theme

    WordPress: How to Style a Block Theme

    Quick and Dirty Start As a quick and dirty start you can copy either the theme.json file or one of the additional styles in the ./styles folder of the theme in Twenty Twenty Four. Save your file as ./styles/myFile.json. The styles are: Since these files are more simple than theme.json in the root directory of…

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