• WordPress Blueprints

    WordPress Blueprints

    Gallery of Blueprints Blueprints for a range of projects, watch the gallery on Github: Developer Resources Networking and Storage

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  • WordPress Playground – How to Install Plugins and Themes

    WordPress Playground – How to Install Plugins and Themes

    What is WordPress Playground? Playground is a WordPress sandbox. In this playground you can try out all WP features and they will not be available online. As long as you are in an research stage this sandbox may be very practical. Install WP Playground First you must set up a WordPress playground. Do this via…

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  • Multilevel Menu

    Multilevel Menu

    Murat Kilic har denne vejledning til kodning af en multilevel menu i ren CSS / HTML. Med denne teknik behøver du ikke at bruge JavaScript i menuerne.

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  • Sådan bruger du Github

    Sådan bruger du Github

    Github Desktop Github er et sted, hvor du og din gruppe kan gemme sikkerhedskopier af jeres kode. Hvis din computer bryder sammen eller bliver væk, så kan du altid hente en klon af jeres kode til en ny computer. Filstruktur På Github er det vigtigt, jeres filer ligges med præcis den samme struktur, som i…

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  • How to embed a Figma animation

    Recipe I hope that it’s somehow possible to add the animation without the computer screen.

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  • Rubric on Canvas

    Rubric on Canvas

    How to use Rubric as a feedback method on the Canvas LMS. How to add a Rubric There’s more in depth info in the article, click the button:

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  • Github – how to syncronize a fork

    Github – how to syncronize a fork

    On Github On the webpage you’ll see that your fork is behind what’s happening on the original branch: Now click “Sync fork”. Then click on “Update branch”. After a while your repo is updated. Open Github Desktop However, you still need to sync your local files. Here you have to “Fetch origin” in Github Desktop…

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