“wp-now streamlines the process of setting up a local WordPress environment.” https://www.npmjs.com/package/@wp-now/wp-now If you want to host and run a WordPress Playgroundyou can install it via Node.js. First install node.js – if you don’t have it yet, follow the guide on the node.js webpage. Node.js works on Linux, Mac and Windows. Then install the package wp-now…
Random Colors
We Need Colors More tham often randoms colors would be nice. Here’s a cool site – and as an extra you even get an explanation of the code behind it. So here’s cool tool for everyone who need a color or two.
WordPress Playground – How to Install Plugins and Themes
What is WordPress Playground? Playground is a WordPress sandbox. In this playground you can try out all WP features and they will not be available online. As long as you are in an research stage this sandbox may be very practical. Install WP Playground First you must set up a WordPress playground. Do this via…
Musik og guitar tabs … Langebro: Tabs. Tabs: “The Wind Cries Mary” Gutar tab Tabs: Redemption Song. Johhny Cash: Hurt
WordPress Blueprints
Gallery of Blueprints Blueprints for a range of projects, watch the gallery on Github: Developer Resources Networking and Storage
[Workaround] WP Playground – menu does not work
The Problem When you create a menu in WP Playground and try to click a link to a page it does not work. So how can we fix this? Workaround The reason for the problem is the URL. The playground is not online, som the URL is a bit strange. If you want a working…