• Corona Sprites – hvordan virker de?

    At skabe en sprite i Gimp eller Photoshop er relativt enkelt. Beslut dig for, hvor stor hver frame skal være, fx 512 x 256 px. I Photoshop skabes et dokument, med plads til fx 8 billeder. Koden herunder viser, hvordan animationen fungerer. local sheetData – her oplysninger om png filens størrelse. width = frame-bredde. height…

  • WordPress and jQuery

    Add this code to the header.php file in the theme. Add this line before wp_head(): wp_enqueue_script(“jquery”); Then you can write a script (inside script tags) – somewhat like this: var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); // using j as selector to avoid conflicts $j(function(){ $j(“#respond”).hide(); // hide comment field }); Based on this tutorial by Chris Coyier.

  • Zengarden’s Classes and Ids

    Below you find the classes and ids in Zengarden’s index file. I used a terminal window on a MacBook like this: grep “id=”  index.html grep “class=” index html IDS IN ZENGARDEN'S INDEX.HTML <body id="css-zen-garden"> <section class="intro" id="zen-intro"> <div class="summary" id="zen-summary" role="article"> <div class="preamble" id="zen-preamble" role="article"> <div class="main supporting" id="zen-supporting" role="main"> <div class="explanation" id="zen-explanation" role="article"> <div…

  • Photoshop Happens

    Has Photoshop gone too far?  Right now the debate is red hot in the international media. Some even suggest a ban on Photoshop. On the other hand: retouching is as old as the history of photography. Or even painting – not all portraits are completely honest. Debate on CNN On CNN the model protest against…

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