Tag: Theme Review

  • Learning WordPress Themes from Scratch

    Here’s the challenge for the class: Create a repo on Github. Create a WordPress theme from scratch. During the six hour lesson files, such as: functions.php header.php footer.php style.css index.php was presented one by one. The students had to create their own version of a WordPress theme on Github. As far as I could see there…

  • phpcs for WordPress

    PHP Code sniffer is a code validator. In the tutorial: “Using PHP CodeSniffer With WordPress: Installing and Using the WordPress Rules” Tom McFarlin explains how to install the codesniffer with WordPress-specific sniffs. Then Tom McFarlin gives a demo on a phpcs on the plugin Hello Dolly: phpcs –standard=WordPress hello-dolly I have installed the sniffer following…

  • Code Sniffer

    Entered the theme review theme on make.wordpress.org. Today a lot of software was installed: Virtualbox (for a linux sandbox for WordPress) Installed the recommended bugtragging plugins in the sandbox. Then I read the extensive documentation on coding standards, and the things a theme reviewer should look at. The codesniffer gave some problems. The recipe found…

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