Tag: linux

  • Raspberry Pi Server

    So this summer I’ll set up a Raspberry Pi webserver on my LAN. Since I have a fixed IP-address at home the RP should be able to work as my webserver. In due time that is. I bought the RPi with a very small SD card. All too soon it ran out of memory. I…

  • Terminal – Mac OSX, Linux, Unix

    Some usefull commands for the terminal: cd = change directory ls = list directory content pwd = print working directory path If you want to see the terminal window in Corona SDK on a Mac OSX system you have to start the application thus: ./ApplicationName cd /Applications/CoronaSDK ./Corona Terminal Then Corona SDK ought to start…

  • AppStores – skidt eller kanel?

    Hvorfor er man så interesseret i AppStores på alle platforme for tiden? Det er naivt at tro, at modellen udelukkende handler om brugervenlighed. Softwareproducenterne ønsker at kontrollere programmerne.

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