Tag: TwentySeventeen

  • Twenty Seventeen

    So the new verson of WordPress has arrived. With it came a new theme: Twenty Seventeen. It’s an attempt to combine the (perhaps too) popular “one-pager” with WordPress content-managing. The theme has many interesting features. One important addition is the .svg icon theme. These days the SVG format becomes more and more important. Twenty Seventeen may…

  • Research Progress: Cases and Twentyseventeen

    Now I have read all the available WordPress cases on the BAAA server. I have followed the development of the Twentyseventeen core theme. In both cases the reading should be followed by interviews. And then the next logical step is to select the most relevant cases. Each case is surrounded by a small group of…

  • Twentyseventeen

    The work on twentyseventeen begins these days. The files are shared on github. And a team of designers are working together. Here are notes from the first meeting: Say Hello to Twentyseventeen The standard themes on WP are called twenty-(someting). So far Helen Hou-Sandi tells, that Twentyseventeen will be a responsive onepager. Here is a…

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