Why you should know WordPress?
Have a look at the statistics. WordPress powers 25% of the web.
Why should you know anything about WordPress? Because it powers 25% of the web. In a not so far future WordPress may power more web pages than the home-hacked ones.
The illustration above demonstrates the present power of WordPress. The green line shows websites that don’t have a CMS. Perhaps they’ve hacked their own system. Who knows what they did.
The rising red line at the bottom of the graph is WordPress. You can see, that the line rises. The red line is what is happening out there. WordPress powers more and more web pages.
The many lines at the bottom of the image are all the other CMSs. As you can see the competition is almost nil. WordPress may not be the best CMS out there. Perhaps one of the geeky CMSs used by 0.00001% may be far better.
Knowing WordPress equals knowing content management. So here you have the statistic argument for knowing WordPress.
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