
  • I created a WP theme from scratch. Here I followed the fine tutorial by Carolina Nymark.

    Here is a cheat sheet with some of the common blocks in Gutenberg.

    Gutenberg Blocks Cheat Sheet

  • Research Notes for a e-Commerce Class. How to set up WooCommerce with sample data, fake payment and block based editors.

    The Sample data for WooCommerce is located in sample-products.csv or sample-products.xml, which are located in the WooCommerce plugin folder in woocommerce/sample-data/

    Check this article.

    An alternative is this file.


    How to Add Woocommerce Product Sample Data in WooCommerce with Product Images. By: Gomahamaya
    How To Add Fake Sample Data To WordPress & WooCommerce. By: WPCrafter.

    FakerPress is used in the video above

    FakePay for WooCommerce

    How to create crafted WooCommerce pages in e.g. Gutenberg and Kadence blocks.

    The video has an interesting feature: a functions.php hack that will enable Gutenberg (and other page builders) in WooCommerce. However, the authors tell, that this way of doing things may become deprecated soon.

    Edit Products in Gutenberg

    Enable Gutenberg

    Note: this code could be deprecated soon.

    Add this to functions.php:

    // enable gutenberg for woocommerce
    function activate_gutenberg_product( $can_edit, $post_type ) {
     if ( $post_type == 'product' ) {
            $can_edit = true;
        return $can_edit;
    add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post_type', 'activate_gutenberg_product', 10, 2 );
    // enable taxonomy fields for woocommerce with gutenberg on
    function enable_taxonomy_rest( $args ) {
        $args['show_in_rest'] = true;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_args_product_cat', 'enable_taxonomy_rest' );
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_args_product_tag', 'enable_taxonomy_rest' );

    WooCoomerce 2023 tutorial

    (3 hours tutorial) “… from start to finish how to create a webshop using WordPress and WooCommerce. This eCommerce tutorial is both for people that want to create a fully functional webshop from scratch and for people that want to extend their WordPress website with a webshop.”
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