I found out that a URL field would be nice. So here’s the new and improved research database schema. During research I often meet online sources. In this way they are stored in one place.
Originally the database was an implementation of the “Liza Matrix” (named after Dr. Liza Castro’s talk on literature reviews). The original matrix was suited for a spreadsheet. But spreadsheets are not suited for notes.
I’ll name the fork “Per’s Review Schema“. Perhaps a timestamp would come in handy in the lit_noter table. That would open up for “visited the xxxx-xx-xx” type of output.
A JOIN of all rows was added. So the database is ready for queries.
select `litrev`.`lit_id` AS `lit_id`,`litrev`.`titel` AS `titel`,`litrev`.`forfatter` AS `forfatter`,`litrev`.`tidsskrift` AS `tidsskrift`,`litrev`.`udgiver` AS `udgiver`,`litrev`.`anno` AS `anno`,`litrev`.`researchsp` AS `researchsp`,`litrev`.`teorigrundlag` AS `teorigrundlag`,`litrev`.`metode` AS `metode`,`litrev`.`relevans` AS `relevans`,`litrev`.`anbefalinger` AS `anbefalinger`,`litrev`.`konklusion` AS `konklusion`,`litrev`.`url_projekt` AS `url_projekt`,`litrev`.`when` AS `when`,`lit_noter`.`lit_noter_id` AS `lit_noter_id`,`lit_noter`.`litrev_id` AS `litrev_id`,`lit_noter`.`side` AS `side`,`lit_noter`.`notat` AS `notat` from (`litrev` left join `lit_noter` on((`litrev`.`lit_id` = `lit_noter`.`litrev_id`)))
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