
🇬🇧 English articles and tutorials.

  • The image processing program Dall E2 is very popular these days. In the interface you write a few words, and then a picture will come up. They even suggest that you add style concepts, such as “oil painting” or style.

    Now the part of me that is art historian gets curious. Can this AI create Art. That is Art with a capital A. Does the AI really know styles? Let’s give it a spin and see.

    A Croquis Model?

    One of the standard exercises in the craft of art is croquis model drawing. That is: drawing after a nude model in order to learn the geometry and composition of the human body. How good is AI for this purpose? Can we get a decent croquis model via AI?

    Mostly you get a negative answer like this:

    So nudity is not allowed. Hence croquis is not permitted in Dall E2.

    This will exclude art inspiration from most of the art history from renaissance artists like Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) and Michelangelo (1475 – 1564) to contemporary art.

    And this will also exclude most of the known works from the classical greek and roman art.

    Here are some suggestions for croquis in oil paint. These suggestions are not croquis at all:

    Above: a gallery with socalled “croquis in oil paint”.

    So in the case scenario the AI does not know what it is doing. Leonardo’s drawing of the Vitruvian Man which is based on croquis studies of the geometry of the human body would simply not be permitted in Dall E2 because of the prudish policies of our time – probably based on an irrational angst of the human bodily functions.

    Above: Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”. The renaissance rediscovered the human body and were inspired by the architecture and sculptures of ancient Greece and Roman culture.

    So much for croquis. Here the AI fails. But how about the styles of art history? Does the AI have any clues about that?

    Art History Styles

    If anything should count as artificial intelligence we would asume a keen knowledge of the styles of art history. Here I’ve made experiments with more success, but the knowledge of art styles seems limited to our time – perhaps from the impressionists to pop art.

    I’ve made a few excursions here. Let’s see what happens with a few art styles.

    Prompt: 16th century tarot card “The Universe”. A decent attempt by Dall E-2, but the style is definitely not like anything 16th century.

    Prompt: “Mouse and elephant in surrealist style“. Dall E2 is decent at “surrealist images”. They are more in the grand imitated style from Salvador Dali or Wilhemlm Freddie than the more abstract Miro.

    Of course the satirical critique of society, the surrealist focus on freudian inspired libido and erotic images will be totally removed by the censorship of Dall E2. It will just use the outer form of surrealism.

    In that sense the output from Dall E2 will never become a real disturbing avant garde critique of society. Surrealism wants to provoke. Dall E2 is an attempt to please.

    Prompt: “A mouse and the moon in renaissance style“. A cute image, indeed. But the style is definitely not looking like anything from the renaissance.

    Andy Warhol in Heaven” – well it is close to pop art. Probably Andy could have created some artworks via Dall E2’s AI. However, Andy used to say:

    “I want to be a machine.”

    Art? Really?

    My anwer is definitely no. The pictures from Dall E2 are just pictures.

    However, the pictures from Dall E2 could be used by an artist like the dadaist readymades or the odd surrealist object trouve. So here we may perhaps weird connotations from Salvador to Dall E2. In that sense the randomized output from an artistic prompt could be considered art – but only if it is the will of the artist.

    First of all the purist approach to the web will block the free expression of artists. The croquis sample falsified Dall E2 as Art because of the limitations inspired by “online moral attitudes”. The artistic expressions are limited to Disney-like bodies that are without any form of gender attributes.

    Dall E2’s knowledge of art history styles is very limited. “Oil painting” hardly qualifies as a style. Pixels are not oil paint. So we’re somewhat in a surrealist tradition according to Magritte’s work: Ceci n’est pas une pipe.

    I tried several times to see if the AI was able to reproduce something looking like an art style. Surrealism and Pop Art was somewhat decent. However, if you try to get a work in a renaissance, medieval or rokoko style the AI will fail – at least untill the creative forces behind Dall E2 feeds the system with that kind of images and data (which is not the same as knowledge or wisdom).

    To me it seems like the programmers have a limited knowledge about art history and styles.

    At a certain point I tried to help the AI with rokoko style. Even “manierist style virgin and death” was too much for the artificial “intelligence”.

    If you want to create cute, innocent, undangerous, neat pictures that will not offend anybody in any way whatsoever Dall E2 is a nice tool. But don’t even try something like:

    Death of the virgin in gothic style

    Probably the AI does not know, that the gothic style is medieval – like the great cathedrals. And that death of the virgin is a classic motive in christian iconography.

    Death of the Virgin in gothic style, from an illuminated medieval manuscript. Dall E2 refused to create such an image. The AI has an extremely limited understanding af art history.

    To me it seems like the socalled Dark Ages were far more enlightened than our present day AI.

    Conclusion: is this Art?

    Dall-e wants to please. The moral of the thing seems like the sick repressed moral you find in bookbanning highschools in midwest USA. Luckily Dall-e is not iconoclasst. Thou shallt not provoke. Never ever show the human body as it is actually made by whatever create them in their image. Especially the things found in the center around the pelvis.

    Dall-e’s knowledge of art history is not impressing at all. They steal the name of the great Salvador Dalí in order to create cute images. But Dalí wanted to create surrealist paranoiac-critical images. Surrealism was against the facism – and they attaced the norms of the society.

    Since Dall-e refuses to show nudity and the knowledge of art history is extremely poor you will never get images that mimic the style of say ancient greece or renaissance art.

    So will Dall-e create art, or just images. I my humble oppinion Dall-e will just create images. O course skilled artist can use such images in an art project – when it comes to art the AI will not make artists as long as the balls of art are removed from the mental model. The images from Dall-e are just images and the have absolutely noting to do with art.

    But why use such images at all? Well, sometimes such images come in handy. You can use them as long as you do not confuse them with Art.

    Art vs. Image

    Last attemt let Dall-e mimici Dalí. Prompt: “create a surrealist image like Salvador Dali that will attack the bourgeois angst of nudity“.

    The outer form is there, but why are all the figures castrated? This robot attempt to please is even more creepy than the surrealists ever were.

    The image to the right was made by Salvador Dalí (1904 – 1984) in 1936 as a protest against the barbaric civil war: “Soft Construction with Boiled Beans – (Premonition of Civil War)“. (Source: Wikimedia).

  • A JavaScript age calculator – when you need to know the exact age of a person.

    If you want to use the age calculator as a web app then use this URI.

    The code is based on this turotial from Tutorials Tonight.

  • A web app is an application made by web technologies. The web app will run similar to a native app, that is if the user agrees to install the web app on the device. Several WordPress plugins are able to do this.

    Creating a web app i WordPress is surprisingly easy. But make sure, that your web solution looks cool on mobile devices during your design. Probably one or more elements will need some CSS tweaks.

    Here I don’t recommend page builders such as Elementor, Divi &c.

    Plugin: PWA for WP & AMP

    Install this PWA plugin:

    It’s easy to use and works in most mobile browsers:

    • Chrome: works like a charm. You’ll get a “want to install” message. That’s it.
    • AdBlock: you have to install the app manually. However, that’s what we’d expect from this browser, isn’t it?

    Push Notifications

    Here you have to add a plugin to the plugin. After that create a user profile. Add the token to the PWA plugin. Now pushing should be possible. That is in theory.

    When I run the browser version, I’m asked whether notifications are ok. Just answer yeah here. Below: the plugin for push notifications.

    Pro & Con

    • Pro: a web app will run without web connection if the pages are cached. The pages visited will be cached too. And the app is fast.
    • Con: why install yet another app when you can just browse the web?
    • Con: When the app is active the cashe now and then work in unexpected ways. You may see old versions of new pages. Because of this I removed the app.
  • These days I’m following tutorials about block theme development. In these articles I’ll collect the best of them.

    In the excellent WordPress.tv series Nick Diego has this workshop about theme.json. Topics covered are:

    • How to add fonts
    • Color palette – and how to use the variables
    • Style variations
    • How to use the Child Theme plugin

    If theme.json seems baflfing to you Nick’s video is a very good walthrough.

    One of the participants asked about child themes. Nick answered that the child theme is still possible. It’s useful for theme variations. The only file you need to edit in the child theme could be theme.json.

    The idea seems good, since you would get the benefit from theme updates. If you create a simple copy of a theme, you will not get such updates.

  • Normally WP will wrap the columns after a manner where the right one goes to the bottom om mobile devices. Here is a recipe:

    Add a class to your column block

    In additional classes add your class. In this case I added: petjReverse as my class.


    Then add the this to your style.css:

    /* Mobile, Tablet */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 783px) {
       /* will stack reversed */
       .petjReverse {
    	   flex-wrap: wrap-reverse !important;

    Save and update. If need be clear the cache in WordPress and your browser. That’s it.

  • Nick Diego gives a fine demonstration of how to use columns, rows and stacks. There are also suggestions for some custom CSS that’s reusable.

    Building with Columns, Groups, Rows and Stacks. Source: WordPress.TV

    Part of the reusable CSS is this:

    body * {
       box-sizing: border-box;
  • Here are a few bug that I’ve discovered during experiments with WP 6.1:


    Reusable blocks won’t work if you try to export a theme. Just use regular blocks. Then your theme will work as intended. The theme will break apar.


    Custom HTML blocks with JavaScript also don’t work.

    However, here is a workaround: Just pick the blocks out of the reusable block. Q.E.D.

  • Duotone effect

    N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783 - 1872)
    N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783 – 1872)
  • How do you get from a creative idea in Figma to something that actually works in WordPress?

    Watch this interesting one hour tutorial by Damon Cook and Sharah Snow from WordPressTV:

    Damon’s Figma

    In a sticky comment Damon Cook linked to his Figma file. See below.

    DX – “Designer Experience”

    This video is interesting for several reasons. First of all because it is a fine demonstration of the ideas behind the new theme creation process. First all desig elements like colors, fontfamily for the headers (h1 – h6) were designed in Figma by Damon. The Figma production more or less had the same structure as a WordPress theme.

    Then Damon had to define the colors and fonts in theme.json. Now the DX became interesting. Editing a complex theme.json file is not a trivial thing to do for a web designer. The DX also demontrated how things will break down if you forget to add the odd comma, curled / sharp brackets and so on.

    If you forget just one of these characters the design breaks apart.

    Here we must remember, that Damon is an experienced web developer. Editing the theme.json by hand is not easy at all.

    However, when everything is debugged the theme looked almost exactly like the design suggestions in Figma.



    From the video we can deconstruct a WordPress development model based on Figma prototypes:

    Figma Workflow

    • Develop your prototype like a style tile in Figma.
    • Add colors and show your hex codes. Be systematic when you name colors. Name according to usage: “Background” is better than “green”.
    • Show all paragraphs with fonts
    • Add hedings: h1 to h6 with the fonts you’ll use.
    • Add buttons and similar design elements.

    In WordPress

    Most of the work in WordPress consist in the somewhat difficult editing of the theme.json file. However, in order to check if everything works you’ll need a “style tile page”.

    Style Tile Page

    • Create a blank theme, eg. via a plugin or this page.
    • Add colored squares for your colors
    • Headers
    • Paragraphs
    • Buttons
    • etc. etc.

    Make sure to add every styled element to this pages so that you can test your theme.json before creating content.

    Structure and the menu

    After the style type page add the structure. Create the static pages – then you can add the menu.


    Before you begin you’ll need to know the JSON syntax. This webpage – JSON.org – will give you a clear idea of how the key-value pairs work in JSON.

    Source json.org (op.cit.)

    The we can follow Damons way of editing theme.json. He worked his way from element to element. Basicly the steps looked like the ones above. But now we add the styles to theme.json. As soon as you add your primary color, you can see the result in your style tile page.


    • Add colors by hex codes.
    • Add hedings: h1 to h6 with the fonts you’ll use.
    • Add buttons and similar design elements.
    • Etc. add elements one by one.

    Sometimes you may want to edit the theme.json file. At other times it’s more easy to edit the specific blocks in the WordPress Style Editor. I’d suggest that you follow that approach as soon as the basic elements works.

    Add fonts and theme colors manually in theme.json

    Here is a sample of the json you can add for the colors in theme.json:

    // this is should be placed under colors
    "palette": [
      "slug": "foreground",
      "color": "#000000",
      "name": "Foreground"
      "slug": "background",
      "color": "#ffffff",
      "name": "Background"

    Now you can edit the blocks in the editor – since this is more easy than editing the theme.json.

    Efter editing all relevant blocks you can download the theme as a zip file – again this is one of the options in the theme editor.

    Do we really need Figma here?

    Of course you could work out everything in your favorite editor and as a tweak of say one of the block based themes. However, it is far easyer to work in a systematical manner if you know what you need to do. The workings become far more easy if you know what you want to do.

    Probably many designers stay too long in Figma. IMHO Figma is the place where you develop the way the elements should look. When you have a clear vision here move to WordPress.

    Figma Introduction

    How do we get started with Figma. The following video is a really good starting point.

    By: https://www.youtube.com/@AJSmart
  • A few images from a visit to Moesgaard Museum by Aarhus.

    Cover Block

    Shape the image via radius, add border around things. You can edit the radius of each corner.

  • Log from my Erasmus Exchange:

    Devine / Howest
    Kortrijk, Belgium – November 2022

    About Howest and Devine

    Howest is situated in Kortrijk in Belgium. It is a university with several IT-related programmes. I visited Devine:

    Digital design and development (Devine) is a unique 3-year bachelor programme at KASK Conservatory school of arts of HOGENT and Howest in Kortrijk (Belgium).” (source)

    Green screen studio – one of the largest in Belgium

    The university has several it-related educations. For instance I was introduced to several IT programmes, such as:

    During the exhange I met the Academic Director Klaus Delanghe, theachers, students and the international manager from Howest and Devine. All of this was was coordinated by Wouter Verweirder.

    This kind robot greets you at the entrance to Howest.

    Impressions from Kortrijk

    Vis større kort

    The marker shows the location of Devine in Kortrijk. The name of the building is the “Budafactory”. It’s situated on the lovely historical island Buda.

    Class I:

    Today I was invited to follow four classes. The first class in the morning was an introduction to Swift..

    The class was preparing for passion studies and their BA thesis.

    In this phase of the studies the students are introduced to several programming languages.

    So this week Swift was on the menu.

    In Swift you can create apps for Mac OS – anything ranging from apps on the iPhone to tablets or laptops.

    After the introduction to the programming language the students followed a live coding session.

    At the programme the students must own a Macbook. Therefore native apps for Mac is a logical option.

    Students working on the Swift assignment.

    Class II:
    Craft CMS

    The next class was an introduction to the Craft CMS.

    It is made in PHP and similar to the code you’ll find behind the stage in e.g. WordPress. But the installation seems more complex.

    In the class the students were guided through a tutorial where the CMS was configured.

    In Craft you have to define classes and sections and whether they should behave as single pages or blogs.

    The CMS can be configured to any need. You can create templates for the views in the twig templating language.

    According to the lecturer the Craft learning curve is somewhat steep, however the bright international class managed to get their system up and running.

    These students came from all over Europe: Poland, Iceland, Finland, Italy and more countries. Since I also teach international students in Denmark it was really nice to meet this class.

    TheCraft CMS dashboard
    Fields in Craft.
    Creative Arduino Project by a student displayed in the main hall of Devine. After years the prototype still works.

    Class III:
    Mobile Web Design

    The third class focussed on design. Again I was allowed to follow feedback on a design assingment.

    The students worked in Figma. Certain design assets were handed out before the class. But the students were allowed to improvise.

    Each student got feedback about the pros and cons of their work. Just listening to this feedback was rewarding:

    • How to set good text margins on small devices.
    • How to use images in full width.
    • About good font sizes when you work on mobile.
    • Color contrasts – what works and the contrary.

    Now and then the students elaborated on their ideas. This lecture gave fine didactic inspiration to exercises and hand ins with Figma.

    Class IV:
    UX Research 3

    Again I followed the international class. This day was dedicated to UX research. The students were asked to write notes from a personal event. These data should be organized, and they sought for patterns in the raw data. So the notes had to be organized.

    Student work: stick it notes. Thanks for the permission to show this.

    According to the double diamond the personal data is “primary research”.

    This was followed by a lecture on the subject “secondary research” or desk research in articles and so on.

    The students learned how to read many articles fast: “Look for a summary, sift through the article’s illustrations and just read what you relly need.”

    The teacher made the students reflect in mutual online spaces, for on wooclap.com. The class shared notes, and they could vote when the teacher had questions. In this way the students were not just passive listeners – they contributed to the mutual knowledge base in the classroom. This class ended with the subject of good academic behaviour towards sources, how to use sources in a paper and how to add lists of sources.

    The 1302 Exhibition

    The Battle of the Golden Spurs, Kortrijk – source Wikipedia.

    In a church nearby the hotel there is a magnificent multimedia exhibition about the famous battle at Kortrijk. The installation was made by almuni from Howest.

    At Devine the caretaker in the 3D-lab told me that he was one of the keepers of the towers. And that the name of one of the streets was golden spurs – because of the many spurs taken from the slaughtered french knights in 1302.

    The exhibition is all about that battle. In the curch the ceiling and windows are used for projections. Don’t miss this if you’re in Kortrijk!

    Because of copyright issues I’ll just link to Googles pictures from this multimedia event in Our Lady’s Church.

    Images from the Knights Chapter in Our Lady’s in Kortrijk. During the multimedia projections the shutters are closed.

    Multimusen.dk – 500+ multimedia tutorials

  • The Björk theme is very popular for portfolios among web devolopers. However, the frontpage is a challenge. Normally you would be able to change the frontpage by asigning a certain page as your frontpage.

    The Björk theme excerpt from https://andersnoren.se/introducing-bjork/

    However in Björk you must edit the frontpage template. You must open the frontpage template in the theme editor and then you can edit all the frontpage the infomations. The long lorem ipsum texts should be edited to something about you. All links and buttons should be changed too. In fact you must add some content to the template

    To be honest and From a strictly technical point of view I don’t like this mixture of the presentation layer with the content layer in the Björk theme. But as Yoda might have said:

    Possible it is.

    Yeah, but as the same philosopher Yoda also said:

    The dark side I sense.

    Even though you can create content in the theme it is not the best practice. Template files should only use the template blocks, such as headers, loops, next-posts etc.

    Apart from these whims of the Björk author – it’s is a nice blog based theme for anyone who needs a portfolio.

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