Tag: MySQL
Adminer – a lightweight alternative to PhpMyAdmin
PhpMyAdmin is powerfull but the GUI is messy. Adminer is a lightweight alternative. You have to download the files and place…
SQL count()
This post contiues the SQL tutorial on the Shire Bakery. Here we’ll So how do yo find the most popular cake…
SQL: Many-to-Many and One-to-Many
Here’s a short tutorial on how to solve some basic SQL cardinalities. First have a look at the ER-diagram for the…
CSS i plugin
Dokumentationen på Codex er ikke lysende klar; men et plugin gør sådan: /* filters etc. */ add_action('wp_print_styles', 'add_hyperboard_stylesheet'); // (…) /*Required…
Native admin tables i WordPress
Smashing Magazine (SM) har en artikel om at bruge WPs egen tabel-skaber-klasse til at skabe tabeller. Det giver en spændende funktionalitet.…