Tag: Mega Menu

  • Mega Menu III

    Mega Menu III

    Continued Megamenu Experiments

    The medieval philosopher Occam said, that if there are more solutions with a similar result, then the most simple one is the best. Then what is the simplest possible Megamenu for WordPress.

    Here is the simplified code for a Megamenu:

    Now it should be possible to build a template with a Megamenu. The scripts and CSS should be loaded via s plugin – or if it’s a theme from scratch via functions.php enqueues.

    If you can create solution with fewer lines of code, let me know in the comments.

  • Mega Menu 2

    Mega Menu 2

    My Mega Menu will appear above this post when you hover over “Dropdown” – or click on it.

    Insert the wanted menu somewhere. Make sure to adjust the menu’s behavior. Select the block in Document Overview. Then copy the block.

    Now in the editor – paste the code. You will get something along these lines:

    <!-- wp:navigation {"ref":62,"overlayMenu":"never","layout":{"type":"flex","justifyContent":"center","orientation":"vertical"}} /-->

    How to Create a mega menu

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