Research Project

The Research Project, it’s phases, methods, findings, ups and downs.

  • Whiteboard mindmap: Eight Sticks
    Whiteboard mindmap: Eight Sticks
  • The last 24 hours or more I have been on WordPress. A template part has been made. In the evening, and night I participated in WordPress Slack. Today the categories were organized in the entire site.

    The Aquarelle template part

    In Web Developer 258:50 pp. there’s a lovely tutorial on a watercolorlike animation for a web page. I just had to try it out. Here’s the result ( as allways it’s a rough draft, but it was fun to make it ). Functions.php needed a few additional scripts. The partial held the markup, and the javascript. Now the Aquarelle partial may be used on a costum page or similar.

    The theme_review meeting

    In the evening I participated in two Slack sessions. The first one was the theme review group. Nine or ten active developers participated during the one hour long session. A question was asked:

    • Should we allow iframes?

    A heated debate followed. There were utterances, somewhat like:

    “I hate iframes …”

    More than often there was no argumentation at all, at least from a philosophical point of view. Hating a phenomena is a pathetic argument. Literally speaking! After a while I could see, that these theme reviewers had a point.

    Who knows what kind of stuff such iframes link to?

    The iframe is not allowed if you want to publish a WordPress theme on the WP repos. So the debate was perhaps just for the hell of it. In the end there was a referendum. Should WP whitelist some urls, like YouTube. The answer was no.

    I entered the group because a point on the agenda was a mentor solution for new theme reviewers.


    An hour later or so the training group met. The climate was very cosy. The participants suggested new learning modules. Talked about the intended target group: not students but teachers.

    I suggested a module on Coding Best Practises. And guess what. I became the first editor. One of the sysops made me editor on the spot. And so the module will come to life wery soon.

    Later on one of the group officials helped med to activate an editor account. Now I can edit the text(s). And even look foreward to give some help here and there, if I can. I felt at home and among human beings. So training was a very good experience.

  • By reflecting the hierarchical organizational structures of universities, the LMS built on a strict top-down approach, giving absolute administrative control to technical specialists in an IT-department, while giving less control to the teachers.

    (Vladimir Torberg et al. “Sustaining Teacher Control in a Blog-Based Personal Learning Evironment” 2013)

    This quote is spot on. To this day I have never seen a LMS that was loved by the teachers and students. The author suggests that the internal structures of LMSs reflect the hirarchy of the organization.

  • The literature review

    Literature review is a craft that is closely related to database design. If you work with research one of the first steps is to design your research database.

    In “How to Write a Thesis” Umberto Eco once wrote that the researcher should work with files. He suggested that the researcher should write notes on cardboard sheets and save them in a directory for reference.

    So they worked in 1977. Today the research professional should use a well designed database a the primary literature review tool.

    Don’t expect to find a database or some software app that suits your literature review. Frascati projects are unique. If not – how could they provide new knowledge?

    So before you begin to work, you’ll have to design a database for your literature review. This paper gives suggestions to database design and the relation between the arts and the database.

    First of all your database should reflect your general method.

    Basicly “What you should know about WordPress” is a systematic collection selected practiconers experiences with WordPress in the form of texts and conversations. By doing so I hope to be able to understand the craft.


    A hermeneutic circle. A tarot card. Source: Wikipedia

    Coding Notes

    Coding played an important part in the grounded theory approach to operative research introduced by Glacer and Strauss in 1967. Here coding refers to “the process of breaking down, examining, comparing, conceptualizing and categorizing data.” [Kvale et al 2009: 202]

    Kvale et al. is all about interviews in research. Principles from the philosophy of science apply to this project. “What you should know about WordPress” collects data about real WordPress usage. My primary sources are reports.

    I see the final reports and internship reporst as “reflection on practise”. Of course inspired by the philosophy of Donald Schön. The reports are “utterances”. During the study they are “coded” and saved in my database.

    From the reports I collect data, like:

    • Theme names
    • Plugin names
    • Code samples
    • The role that WordPress plays in the organization

    The data is boiled down to keywords, or “code” according to Kvale et al. I doubt that a scholar from the computer science would say code here. Probably they would talk about data. That is as soon as the stuff is made persistent in the database.

    (data defined) “… information, most commonly in the form of a
    series of binary digits, stored on a physical storage
    medium for manipulation by a computer program. It is
    contrasted with the program which is a series of
    instructions used by the central processing unit of a
    computer to manipulate the data.” [The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48]

    In 1999 Lev Manovich claimed that the database mimics the world as an unordered list:

    “As a cultural form, database represents the world as a list of items and it refuses to order this list. In contrast, a narrative creates a cause-and-effect trajectory of seemingly unordered items (events). Therefore, database and narrative are natural enemies. Competing for the same territory of human culture, each claims an exclusive right to make meaning out of the world.” [Manovich: “The Database as a Symbolic Form” 1999]

    I don’t agree with this definition. A database is ordered. You’ll even use a language in order to communicate with it. In fact MySQL database is a collection of ordered lists.

    These lists are connected via keys. You query the database via a language. Perhaps the database and the narratives are more friends than enenies.

    And yes – the data will come to the database in an unordered way. But the coding and the logic of the database schema will produce a narrative. You can even interpret the results. And so we enter the elusian fields of the hermeneutic arts.

    I have designed my database in order to have a systematic appoach to my notes. In this way the study of the practical cases is “coded” in a Glacer-and-Straussian manner.

    The database scheme is simple and powerfull at the same time. On the surface sources and notes are combined. But by SQL it’s possible to find informations about any keywords in the sources for my data.

    Research Database Schema
    The Research Database Schema

    My Hermeneutic Circle

    In this way the research database is a hermeneutic circle:

    “The first canon involves the continuous back-and-forth process between parts and the whole, which follows from the hermeneutical circle. Starting with an often vague and intuitive understanding of the text as a whole, its different parts are interpreted, and out of these interpretations the parts are again related to the totality, and so on.” [ Source: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy : Hans Georg Gadamer ]

    The process has a beginning. I guess that there is no end to adding texts to the database. The literature review will go on from the beginning to the end of this project.

    In fact this database is my hermeneutic circle.

    THE LITERATURE REVIEW and the database

    In order to conduct a literature review you’ll need a literature review database. The database schema (or design) should reflect your research method. So there’s a connection between your philosophy of science paradigm and the kind of database you’ll need.

    In this article I have shown a database that was designed for a project in the arts that draws on the hermeneutic tradition. Your project problably needs another kind of database.


    Eco, Umberto: “How to Write a Thesis” (1977)
    Kvale et al.: “Interviews – Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing” (2009)

  • The database comes in handy by now. My pool of papers rose from around 10 to 40. In the morning I read two reports in about three hours. Most of them are in .pdf – so I can search for keywords and find relevant quotes relatively quickly.

    I guess that it will be possible to read around 5 – 6 reports a day. So in two weeks or so I’ll have a nice pool of data about practical WordPress usage.

    • WordPress 102
    • CMS 100 (should include all, in theory but does not)
    • Joomla 11
    • Drupal 8
    • Magento 11

    Occurence of the word x in reports at Office365 @BAAA (visited: Oct. 10th 2016)

    Take these numbers with a grain of salt. As far as I can see the system counts the occurrence of the word – not the number of reports. A dedicated fan might write WordPress many, many times …

  • WP in reports and dissertations
    WP in reports and dissertations

    At the all reports are handed in online via Wiseflow and they’re saved in a Office365 database. Above is the result if I search the word WordPress. Since the system is relatively the numbers don’t mean much … yet.

    For this research project this is a most valuable source. From the reports we can see how WordPress is used by businesses and students.

  • Tomboy is not the best project manager on earth. I decided to use Trello as my kanban. It’s very basic:

    • Backlog
    • Doing
    • Wait
    • Done

    Since you can link from Trello to Google Docs I made online versions of the project description and a sheet for the overall plan.

    Trello and WordPress
    Trello and WordPress
  • Ad URL field
    Ad URL field to lit_noter

    I found out that a URL field would be nice. So here’s the new and improved research database schema. During research I often meet online sources. In this way they are stored in one place.

    Originally the database was an implementation of the “Liza Matrix” (named after Dr. Liza Castro’s talk on literature reviews). The original matrix was suited for a spreadsheet. But spreadsheets are not suited for notes.

    I’ll name the fork “Per’s Review Schema“. Perhaps a timestamp would come in handy in the lit_noter table. That would open up for “visited the xxxx-xx-xx” type of output.

    A JOIN of all rows was added. So the database is ready for queries.

    select `litrev`.`lit_id` AS `lit_id`,`litrev`.`titel` AS `titel`,`litrev`.`forfatter` AS `forfatter`,`litrev`.`tidsskrift` AS `tidsskrift`,`litrev`.`udgiver` AS `udgiver`,`litrev`.`anno` AS `anno`,`litrev`.`researchsp` AS `researchsp`,`litrev`.`teorigrundlag` AS `teorigrundlag`,`litrev`.`metode` AS `metode`,`litrev`.`relevans` AS `relevans`,`litrev`.`anbefalinger` AS `anbefalinger`,`litrev`.`konklusion` AS `konklusion`,`litrev`.`url_projekt` AS `url_projekt`,`litrev`.`when` AS `when`,`lit_noter`.`lit_noter_id` AS `lit_noter_id`,`lit_noter`.`litrev_id` AS `litrev_id`,`lit_noter`.`side` AS `side`,`lit_noter`.`notat` AS `notat` from (`litrev` left join `lit_noter` on((`litrev`.`lit_id` = `lit_noter`.`litrev_id`)))

  • Read three reports today- I’m using the database for notes on cases. I wish access to more cases. On the other hand the literature review is somewhat time consuming. After 10 – 15 cases I guess that I’ll get the overall picture. Since I’m looking for qualitative rather than quantitative data it’s kinda ok-ish.

  • Tickets on Trac
    Tickets on Trac
    • How to make a ticket
    • How to propose a solution

    See Mark Jaquith‘s toolbox.

    Seems like the answer is:

    1. Log into
    2. Open Trac
    3. Find open tickets
    4. Propose solutions

    In a similar manner you can create tickets too.

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