
How to create your online portfolio.

  • Elementor is one of the most popular page editors. It was one of the first “drag and drop” editors for WP. If you want to use it consider these pros and cons:

    Pros Cons
    Ease of use. Nagware: you’re constantly reminded that you need to pay in order to XYZ
    Library of templates The free version is very limited. Things you can do for free in the ordinary WP editor may be blocked. That’s insane.
    Many tutorials online, well documented. Bloated codebase.
    A few pros and cons concerning Elementor.

    Here are a few Elementor tutorials to get you started. Whether you chose to work in the standard WP editor or alternatives like Elementor is simply a matter of taste – just as when you choose your favorite editor for code editing.

    These days Elementor is abandoned by many WP users, because the built in WP editor is free and capable of pretty much the same options. However, now you can try it.

    Elementor WordPress Tutorial 2024 by TechPress.
    How To Use Elementor In WordPress by The Social Guide.
  • Domain or subdomain?

    • portfolio.yourdomain.dk
    • yourdomain.dk

    You may or may not want to have your portfolio in the main domain. If you want to have your portfolio as the primary thing in your domain, just skip this chapter.

    A subdomain is a subdirectory in the main webdomain. On some web hotels you have to specify such a directory in the Dashboard of the webhotel. This is the case on Simply.com – but not on One.com, where any subdirectory is regarded as a subdomain. Just to mention the usual suspects.

    Prepare a subdomain for the portfolio. Make sure that your new domain runs with HTTPS.

    Create a subdomain on Simply.com. Live session from a Multimedia Design Class: subdomain, and a one-click WordPress installation demonstration.

    Plan Content

    What kind of content do you need for the portfolio? Rearch and brainstorm. On most portfolios you’ll see pages like:

    • About Me
    • CV
    • Contact
    • Gallery
    • Projects
    • Blog – with amazing news about your projects here and now
    1) Creative Process

    It does not harm to be well prepared. Go through the steps from idea generation to actual wireframes. When you have a clear idea about the content of the site continue.

    2) Create Dummy Pages

    Create the pages, but in this phase just add dummy content. If you have the pages it is easy to create a navigation.

    AI can be a great headstart for dummy content creation. Later on you can modify to real content.

    3) Navigation

    When the dummy pages are made, it’s more easy to create the navigation menus. You can have as many as you want to, and style them according to their position in the design.

    Create the main navigation menu for the header. You may also want to create special menus for other pages.

    4) Choose a theme

    Find a good WordPress theme, and make sure that it’s a block based theme (not an old style PHP-theme). My recommendation is to stick to a standard block theme.

    Avoid crap “freemium-premium” themes. They will hinder you from adding anything interesting untill you pay.

    I’ll recommend either Twenty Twenty Four or the most recent WP standard theme.

    If you’re an ambitious Multimedia Designer of course your could try to create a theme via Carolina Nymarks theme generator.

    Your content will not be affected by the theme. If you want another look and feel just try another theme.

    5) Header, Footer, etc.

    One of the first things to tweak is the header with navigation and footer with the relevant information.

    6) Templates

    Probably your theme will have templates for pages, posts, categories, search and 404. Often a blank theme will come in handy – or perhaps a page with:

    • Header
    • Content block
    • Footer

    Such a page would be nice if you don’t want to be restricted by your theme.

    7) Assign templates to your pages

    When the templates are ready, open each page and make sure that it will use the correct template.

    8) Refine the Content

    You can create the content at any time. From now on it’s a matter of refining your content.

    9) Testing, Testing …

    At any stage of the development tests will improve your portfolio.

    • Usability tests
    • User experience tests
    • Guerilla tests
    • Gangster test
    • A/B split test etc.
  • Sådan laver du en SoMe-menu.

    • Lav en menu
    • Rediger menuen (tandhjul)
    • Placer markøren på

    Når du klikker på + kan nye ikoner tilføjes. Vælg de sociale mediekanaler, som du bruger.

    Klik på ikonet og tilføj url’en til din SoMe-kanal:

    Her er det i.ø. lidt træls, hvis du har en sort baggrund. For så kan du ikke se dette +.

  • Multimusen's costum front-page.php
    Multimusen’s costum front-page.php (september 2017). The layers are animated by a parallax script.

    For multimedia designer an online portfolio is a must. The industry expect you to have one. But what if you have found a nice open source theme, but you need a really stunning front page? Or a costum gallery for your productions? Or a kick ass CV?

    Step 1) Create a Child Theme

    The code presented in this tutorial is based on my tw17child. The child theme is based on the Twenty Seventeen theme. The code is available on Github.

    1. Install your open source theme via the Dashboard or by uploading a zip file.
    2. Create a folder with the name of your child theme.
    3. Then create a new file in the folder. Name the file style.css:
    Theme Name:   Twenty Seventeen Child
    Theme URI:    http://example.com/twenty-fifteen-child/
    Description:  Twenty Seventeen Child Theme
    Author:       Per Thykjær Jensen
    Author URI:   https://multimusen.dk
    Template:     twentyseventeen
    Version:      1.0.0
    License:      GNU General Public License v2 or later
    License URI:  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    Tags:         one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-header, accessibility-ready, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
    Text Domain:  tw17child

    As soon as the style.css is ready you’ll be able to see the child theme in the Dashboard. But the styles are not loaded. In WordPress styles and scripts are loaded via the enqueue function in functions.php.

    1. Create a new empty file. Save it as functions.php.
    2. Add styles by enqueue:
    * Styles: both parent and child
    function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {
      $parent_style = 'parent-style';
      wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style,
      . '/style.css' );
      wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style',
      get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
      array( $parent_style ),
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' );

    You can add more scripts and stylesheets to this function if you want to after a similar manner.

    That’s it! Your child theme is ready. Now it’s time for your creative tweaks.


    Step 2) Create Costum Content

    Let’s say that you want a costum frontpage:

    1. In the child theme create a new file.
    2. Save the file as front-page.php

    Add some content to the page, e.g.

    <h1>Hello World</h1>

    OK, I admit that this is not the most stunning design, you’ve ever laid your eyes upen. But have a look at your frontpage. It’ll display a “Hello World” as expected. You did not use one line of PHP or WordPress template tags. There’s no loop either.

    “What can you deduce from this, Sherlock?”

    “The game’s afoot, Watson!”

    Actually you can add any code you fancy. You don’t need to follow any restrictions made by the original theme. Now you are able to hardcode a cool splash for your website. If you want to, you can add wp_head() and wp_footer() in the code, e.g.

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    If you do so WordPress will enable the admin bar and add the WordPress head and footer scritpts and styles from the theme.

    Step 3) How to name the files

    The template hierarchy

    Actually you can modify any page or post after a similar manner. The secret is naming your costum files correctly, and here the template hierarchy diagram is the key we need. In the diagram you can find the front-page.php. Here are a few samples:

    • A page for categories: category.php
    • Costum design for a category with the slug icecream: category-icecream.php
    • A post with the slug whatever: page-whatever.php

    If you don’t add a loop to the page, you can only use hardcoded content on your costum pages.

    Sometimes that’s exactly what we need.

    Now you’re able to create a bunch of very personal costum pages for your content, such as:

    • Galleries
    • Animations
    • CV
    • Portfolio pages
    • Costum author pages




  • @ University of Regina March 11th 2016


    An artist’s portfolio is an edited collection of their best artwork intended to showcase an artist’s style or method of work. A portfolio is used by artists to show employers their versatility by showing different samples of current work. Typically, the work reflects an artist’s best work or a depth in one specific area of work. (Wikipedia)

    Definition Electronic portfolio

    An electronic portfolio (also known as an eportfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio)[1] is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user’s abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time. (wikipedia)

    Smashing Magazine

    Creative Bloq



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