
  • I’m at the JsConf in Reykjavik. The venue is the fantastic Harpa, with wonderful artwork by Olafur Eliasson. We live in the hotel with the Sky Lounge just across the street.

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    Today art and code mixed into an amazing creative cocktail. I cannot wait to experiment with the creative libraries from these wizards of code.

    Augmented Reality

    There were several talks on JavaScriot as a creative tool. Raisa Cuevas introduced to augmented reality, and she introduced several creative tools, such as:







    Paint Splatter: The making of an interactive artwork

    Halldór Eldjárn & Þórður Hans Baldursson introduced the code behind the interactive artwork decorating Harpa this week. On the website http://paint.jsconf.is/ you can choose the colors on the building. They told about the work, and how they wrote the creative code.


    Creating generative art with Javascript

    Then Kate Compton told about her work as an artist / researcher. She used JavaScript for art. Even her dress was made by JavaScript. One of her bon mots was:

    “make things that makes things”

    You can follow Kate’s work here: http://galaxykate.com/

    Among the tools in her toolbox was https://threejs.org/ 


    The keynote

    The first keynote speaker was a nodejs talk, along the lines of this: “version 1.0.4 of XX is not there yet. Please google”. My mind drifted away, but perhaps there were hidden gems for the Nodejs adepts. But at the end of the day JsConf gave many ideas for creative code.

    Code is poetry.

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