I had some questions regarding the final thesis. Ok, here’s what the curriculum says. Check it in the folder Info for MDC students > 4th semester. And here’s a copy paste (but it’s not as neat as the original pdf file, so have a look at it):
1. Purpose of the 4th semester and main project
The internship allows the student to work with relevant professional issues and to gain knowledge
regarding relevant work functions. During the internship the student is bound to one or more
private or public organizations. The internship forms the basis for the student’s final project and
can be planned to allow both flexibility and differentiation.
1.1 Evaluation of Internship
In order to have the Internship approved the student must make out a report. Cf the curriculum:
The test is internal and evaluates the individual learning objectives which is set by the student in
collaboration with the academy and the company before the Internship begins.
1.2 Internal test
The students are to works out an Internship report which will be evaluated. The academy
recommends that the trainee keeps the log throughout the entire Internship period and use this as
a basis for the report.
The report must contain:
– A short description of the Internship place/company
– A description of the assignment/tasks and a reflection on these in relation to the theories
taught throughout the education
– A reflection on the Internship and the skills gained during the Internship
A list of results or part-results of the tasks solved during the Internship can be attached. The size
of the report must be 4-6 pages.
1.3 Assessment
The test will be graded Passed or Not passed.
The student has the right to register for the same examination a maximum of three times. The
conditions for re-examination is based on a professional assessment:
– Is the assessment due to lack of attendance during the Internship – a new Internship period
is established
– Is the assessment due to lack of reflection in relation to the learning objectives a new
Internship test must take place within 2 weeks after the first examination
2. Purpose of the main project exam on 4th semester
The final project includes all subject areas. In the final exam project the student must demonstrate
his/her ability to document and solve, on an analytical and methodical basis, a complex and
practice-oriented problem related to a specific assignment within the multimedia field.
2.1 External test
Specialization and perspectives – demonstrates understanding of the overall impression. An oral
test based on the project, either worked out individually or in groups of up to 3 students. The test
in the final examination project consists of a project and an oral part and is held at the end of the
4th semester.
2.2. Project, Report and Product
The subject for the final examination project is decided by the student in consultation with the
academy and preferably in collaboration with a company. The Academy approves the wording of
the assignment. The project results in a report and a product. The product must be a digital
application or a digital presentation.
2.3 Final project
The purpose of the final examination project is for the student to document his/her ability to work
analytically and methodically with a complex and practice related problem based on a concrete
assignment within the multimedia field. The project must correspond to 15 ECTS points. The
student must deal with the most central issues in the program.
2.4 Handing in
The report must not exceed 30 standard pages* plus a maximum of 15 standard pages per group
member, excluding appendices – a group of 1 member must hand in 45 pages. The individual
examination is made to ensure that each student is examined in his/her specialization subject and
in subjects which have not already been judged in the report..
2.5 Examination
1. Group presentation of product and report: 15 minutes.
2. Individual examination based on product and report: 25 minutes.
3. Discussion of performance and announcement of mark: 10 minutes.
2.6 Evaluation
An individual mark is given based on an overall evaluation of product, report, presentation and
individual examination.
3. Formalities
The main project must be stapled/fixed, bound or in ring binder – for instance CD´s and
enclosures must be fixed and marked with enclosure number, name, title and name of program.
CD with all necessary/relevant files must be handed in (even if it is a live web site). Program source
files and production files (for instance .ai, .fla, and .dir-files) must be on the CD as documentation.
Other relevant electronic documentation can be put on the CD, for instance examples of untreated digital photos or sound files.REQUIREMENTS – INTERNSHIP AND MAIN PROJECT 2010 PAGE 3 OF 5
The first page of the report is called Title page. This page must state the following information:
– Whether you will allow the project to be published or not
– Name of the Academy
– Name of the exam, here: “Final project”
– Title of the project – in Danish and English
– Name of the writer(s)
– Name of tutor
– Name of the company (if any)
– Project period
– Personal signature (date for handing in and signature)
You are to hand in 3 copies. The school copy will – if you give permission (must be stated on the
title page – be made public at the school library. Please note that if your project is based on a
company agreement, the company must give their approval as well.
An electronic version must also be handed in, for instance on a CD with the product. The student
is obliged to ensure that both report and product is readable.
You must hand in – separately – these 3 forms for the administration office. The forms can be
found at Fronter:
– Title of your main project form
– Company form
– Publication of the main project form
3.1 Table of content
The project must have a table of content, clearly showing the structure of the project split up in
main chapters and sub-chapters and if necessary a list of enclosures.
Number of pages must also be stated in the table of content.
3.2 List of sources
The project must have a list of sources – the following system can be used;
Andersen, Hans Christian
1835 ’Eventyr & Historie’ (Gyldendal, Kbh.)
Andersen, Tim Frank & Lindstrøm, Martin
1999 ’Mærkevarer på Internettet’ (Børsens Forlag, Århus)
Tofte, Peter mfl.
1998 ’Linux – Frihedens til at vælge’ (Globe, Kbh.)
The advantage of using this type of list is that it makes it easier to refer to – you can for instance
write; (Andersen/Lindstrøm, 1999: 56-66), you are then referring to the book by Tim Frank
Andersen & Martin Lindstrøms ’Mærkevarer på Internettet’ page 56 –66.
When taking Text from the internet the source must be referred to as URL-addresses.
3.3 Notes
The project must have a decent note structure. Whether you are using footnotes or endnotes is up
to each student/group.
Short quotes are allowed in the text, for instance ’It is characteristic that there are three phases
when establishing a company on the internet’ (Andersen/Lindstrøm, 1999: 8). However, longer
quotes should be shown by using a new paragraph and Italic letters – for exampleREQUIREMENTS – INTERNSHIP AND MAIN PROJECT 2010 PAGE 4 OF 5
’Skab mindst to nye Linux-partitioner ved at trykke n og partitionsnummer. Dette
skal du gøre to gange med partion 2 hhv. 3 ( hvis du har en Windows partition i
forvejen). Lav partition 2 stor og partition 3 på måske 40 mb til Swap. Default type
er Linux native. En af partitionerne (nummer 3) skal have ændret type til Linux Swap’
(Toft mfl.1998:kap.2.2)
If you are only quoting a part of the section this is marked as the following;
’…to gange med partion 2 hhv. 3 ( hvis du har en Windows partition i forvejen). Lav
partition 2 stor og partition 3 på måske 40 mb til Swap. …skal have ændret type til
Linux Swap’
(Toft mfl.1998:kap.2.2)
4. Depth
There are different levels of depth regarding the acquired knowledge and the analysis made.
a) Descriptive – This is the lower level and the description is to answer a number of howquestions like
´How is the development…´
´How is the structure of the company…´
b) Explanatory & analytic
´How is the connection between … & …´
c) Critical causal description
´How can the described connection between …and… be used for…´
d) Tactical & strategic considerations
Describe the development in the future – considerations could be
´Based on the analysis made the marked/product/company/target group …´
A main project must reach levels c and d.
5. Assessment criteria of the product
In the assessment of the quality of the digital product following will be assessed:
– Aesthetics
– Functionality
– Communication
– Technical realization
The degree of completion will also be assessed. If the product has not been completed it must as a
minimum fully show the idea of the product and have selected parts fully implemented.
6. Assessment criteria for the main project
In the assessment of the report following will be assessed:
– Whether the problem statement is precise, and can be used in practice
– The ability to involve and use relevant theory
– The ability of innovation – meaning the ability to implement innovation within the chosen field
if the situation and resources allows it.
– Depth
– Plan and delimitation of the projectREQUIREMENTS – INTERNSHIP AND MAIN PROJECT 2010 PAGE 5 OF 5
– Whether it is possible to discuss the options and limitations of the chosen methods and
– The quality of the written presentation – the target groups are tutors at Business Academy
Aarhus and possible company contracts. The language must be accommodated to the target
group and spelling, punctuation and grammar must be correct.
– Quality of the digital application or the digital presentation
7. Exam
Examination will take place when the external examiner has had approx. 14 days to read the
project. The project must be orally defended. The examination is individual.
By way of introduction the student will present the content and the formulation of the problems in
the assignment – this part takes approx. 15 minutes. This presentation should not only go
through the written report, but also critically consider your own work ´what was good/bad?´
´what could be improved or added?´ ´how did the choice of method/tools/theory work out?´
After this the examination dialog between the student, tutor and the external examiner will take
place. This will last approx. 30 minutes. A collective individual grade will be given based on the
written report and the oral defense.
7.1 If you fail to pass
Should your project be given -3 or 00 you have not passed. Should this happen you can choose to
do a new project and enter another exam. If you feel that there is cause for complaining about the
examination you must send a written complaint to the school at the latest 2 weeks after the
examination has taken.*If you do not show up for the examination it will count as an attempt.
7.2 If the project is not handed in on time
Students not handing in the project on time are considered as being absent from examination.
Projects handed in to late will be rejected. The student does however have the possibility of
entering a re-examination. To enter a re-examination a new project with a new formulation of
problems must be made.*
7.3 Sickness
If the student is taken ill in the 14 days up to the project deadline, and is able to hand in a
physician´s statement to the school, the deadline can be extended with up to 5 days. If you are
taken ill more than 14 days before project deadline the deadline for handing in will not be
extended and the school rarely grants exemptions from this rule.
Should you become ill on the day of examination the same rules as ´sickness´ are valid.
*The time for re-examination and examination due to illness are laid down by the school.
NOTE: It is not possible to sign up for main project exam if the mandatory tests have not been