Per Thykjaer Jensen

  • A cookie is saved locally. Therefore different browsers will display whatever the user has saved. At least as long as the cookie is alive.
    A cookie is saved locally. Therefore different browsers will display whatever the user has saved. At least as long as the cookie is “alive”.

    The complete code to this article is available here.

    We use cookies in order to save information about or from the user input. If you compare my Firefox and Chrome browsers they will format the Microlite roleplaying web page according to random values, dates and saved input. Computergames use random values in stead of dice. First the character is saved in an associative array.

    // Define the character array.
    // “key” => value
    $character = array(
    “strength” => rand(3,18),
    “dexterity” => rand(3,18),
    “mind” => rand(3,18),
    “charisma” => rand(3,18),
    “class” => $class[rand(0, $classes)],
    “race” => $race[rand(0, $races)],
    “address” => “Shire”,
    “hitpoints” => rand(3,18),
    “level” => 1,

    Above you see the method in action. rand(3,18) is an imitation of the role playing “3d6” (throw 3 sixsided dices). The random generator will give a value between 3 and 18. If you read the rules of Microlite 84 it’s easy to add more character properties.

    The cookie

    In this case we’ll save the character data in a cookie in the client browser. However a cookie can only store a string. PHP can convert an array to a string:

    $toCookie = serialize($character);

    Now we can save the data in a cookie via setcookie:

    setcookie(“character”, $toCookie, time()+ (60 * 60 * 60 * 24));

    After the cookie has been set PHP can use the data. That is next time the page is read. PHP can check whether the cookie exists by isset($var):

    if(isset( $_COOKIE[“character”] ) ) {

    $charUnSer = unserialize($_COOKIE[“character”]); 


    This will convert the cookie string to an array.

    The Loop

    In order to echo or print the values of the array to a table:

    foreach ($charUnSer as $key => $value)
    print ”
    <td> $key </td> <td> $value </td>

    And this loop will then create the character table in the wbbage.

  • Here is a PHP mail library that works with Gmail SMTP and Xampp:

    Download all code as a zip and unzip somewhre in htdocs.

    In the unzipped folder go to


    find the file gmail.phps and copy the file
    paste it and rename to gmail.php

    Edit the file and add your user details. For the sake of the test let the recipient be yourself.
    If you fire off the file and get a mail then it works.

    And it worked for me in Xampp.

  • Tutorials by Honey Boney.

    The wodb class



    Create table


    Tutorial by Honey Boney on Youtube

  • “Rather than quarantining our content into disparate, device-specific experiences, we can use media queries to progressively enhance our work within different viewing contexts.” (Ethan Marcotte)

  • Here is a very short introduction to the principles of PHP.  PHP is an acronym for “hypertext preprocessor”. PHP is a serverside language. We use PHP in order to prepare webpages, react to user input – and (on the third semester) to interact with databases.

    Many Open Source CMSs use a combination of Apache, PHP and MySQL as an “engine”.

    How to write PHP code

    A php file is made in a manner similar to a HTML file. You create a file and give it the surname .php. So a file name sample could be:

    • myFile.php

    The file can contain other forms of code and tags such as JavaScript, CSS or HTML. In the file the php code is nested between a <? and ends with a ?>.

    Variables, Strings and numbers

    $a = 10; // a number
    $b = “Hello World”; // a string
    $c = “Ho, ho, hooo!”; // yes it’s another string
    $d = “Santa Claus, says: “; // xmas is near
    $combinedStrings = $d . $c; // Santa Claus, says: Ho, ho, hooo!
    $e = NULL; // no value set
    $f = true; // or false

    A variable is defined via the $ character. In the sample code above you can see several variables.

    A string starts and ends with a quotation mark as ” or ‘. If you need quotation marks inside a string they should be nested like this:

    <? $foo = “<img src=’image.png’  alt=’an image’ />”; ?>

    You can create HTML code via PHP – and you can show an image on a web page like this:

    <? echo $foo; ?>


    <? print(“$foo”); ?>


    Since a variable can be a number, you can use PHP for calculations, such as:

    $x = 1;
    $y = 19;
    echo $x + $y; // should return 20

    See this page for more information about PHP and calculations.






  • Test your design in Chrome's built in mobile device emulator.
    Test your design in Chrome’s built in mobile device emulator.

    If you had to buy all possible devices for a design check you might get ruined quite fast. Luckily there is a solution in Chrome:

    • Ctrl + Shift + J
    • Enter

    Will open a window, where you can see the JavaScript console. If you click the icon formed like a mobile device, you’ll get an impression of how your website will perform in a long list of devices ranging from mobile phones, to tablets and to laptops.

    Even though it seems easy to do this it is still recommended to test your design on several devices.

    Read more about the Chrome emulator here.

  • Here are some helpfull links and tutorials for the “Personal Portrait”. You’ll have to create a professional persona online on Blogger. Here are some tips, tricks and tutorials:

    An informative video by Khila Talk. And here’s more about Khila.

    The Personal Portrait
    We’re not doing portfolios … yet. Because: at the first semester at the Multimedia Design & Communication programme most of you don’t have much to display. Therefore we will work with a professional personal portrait in stead.

    To get an idea of of goal here are some sample portfolios from Awwwards.


  • Skannet dokument

    Flyer designet af Christel Bach til en brandingkampagne ca. 2008. Se kampagnesitet på Way Back Machine.


    – 2008. Design: Christel Bach. Joomla template v. Per Thykjær Jensen.

  • Hvis du vil bruge en stilart, skal du  vide, hvad det er stilarten bryder med. Nedbryd fortidens kedsommeligheder – og gør hvad du vil.

  • Som indledning til dagens tankeskrivning har jeg skimmet to meget forskellige lektoranmodninger (lad os bare kalde dem hr. X og fru Y) Generelt er genren meget formel.

    Del I – didaktiske overvejelser

    Man henviser til lovgrundlaget. Fortæller om egne fortræffeligheder som underviser. Begrunder diverse valg med udgangspunkt i didaktiske teoribygninger. Reflekterer over egen læring i den forbindelse.

    Hr. X skriver en didaktisk afhandling, der bredt henviser til en lang række teoretikere. Den røde tråd havde jeg svært ved at se. Argumentationen ligner noget a la dette:

    • Sartre siger XYZ
    • Konsekvensen for god undervisning er XYZ
    • I min undervisning gør jeg XYZ

    Argumentationen er “reversed engineering”. Resultatet er altid godt, det gælder bare om at finde argumentet for at det forholder sig sådan. Læsning af sådanne tekster kan være en prøvelse, for der er ikke en reel refleksion.

    Her ser jeg et generelt problem med lektoranmodningsgenren.

    Efter et tilstrækkeligt antal sider ophører skriveprocessen. Hr. X sætter punktum og går videre med dokumentationsdelen. Der er ingen konklusion, hvilket giver fremstillingen en underligt uafsluttet form.

    Fru Y har derimod en logisk fremadskridende fortælling, der er forankret i en række projekter, artikler, bøger mv. Erfaringer fra dette arbejde sammenfattes – og der stilles kritiske spørgsmål til egen metode. Det er befriende at der sættes spørgsmålstegn ved studerendes læring i forbindelse med portfolier.

    Fru Y føger i øvrigt den klassiske fiskemodel: en indledning der formulerer et problem. Så en afhandling. Til slut en konkluderende opsamling.

    Del II – dokumentation

    Som fast tracker kan man ikke henvise til et adjunktforløb. I stedet må man henvise til den generelle erfaring man har som underviser. Hr. X dokumenterede ved hjælp af et udvidet CV, der nøje gjorde rede for  undervisningsforløb.

    Metoden er god; men at man har gennemført et forløb med en fin overskrift betyder ikke nødvendigvis, at de studerende som deltog fik et godt udbytte af forløbet.

    Fru Y redegør for en række projekter (ISIB) og relaterer disse projekter til didaktisk teori samt til afdelingslederens visioner om den holistiske uddannelse. Hun refererer til sine artikler om emnet – og bruger dermed sine akademiske publikationer som argument for merit.


  • Efter et uformelt interview med en gruppe studerende burde modellen for oplevelsen af praktikken se sådan ud:

    1. Perioden hvor man søger praktikplads. Overgang fra uddannelse til praksis.
    2. Praktik.
    3. Perioden hvor man vender tilbage til uddannelsen. Opgør med aflæring. Refleksion bliver vanskeligt.
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We use cookies - more information will set a few cookies from Doubleclick, Google and the Social Media plugins they ay set some cookies. Some of my pages use APIs - such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Google Fonts, Google Maps, Mapbox, Spotify, Jetpack, Twitter, Facebook &c.. Such plugins may set the odd cookie.
