Video. Making Most of the Font Library

Add Fonts in WP

Good news from WordPress. At last you can add your own fonts to a standard theme. This is one of the most wanted features, and it is great to see, that easy font management is now part of the WP Core.

Towards the end this video will even give some tips about the art of pairing fonts – what you can do and what to avoid.

Learn how to do this in the video below from WordPress TV.

The new Full Site Editor has become more usefull than ever.

If you have followed my previous posts you’ll see why this improvement is a major leap forewards. Before this addition you had to hardcode JSON objects in style variations in order to add fonts. This code was not impossible if you have JavaScript knowledge. But invalid JSON could result in serious theme errors. So the font manager is a great help to the part of humanity that is not very code savvy.


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