Know WordPress

  1. Create some posts. Just some text that comes to your mind.
  2. Add an image to the post.
  3. Why not share a video from YouTube.
    Tip: just paste the share link into your post. Save and see …
  4. Create a page. Adorn with videos and images you fancy.
  5. Add your page to the menu.
  6. Go to the frontend. Try out your menu.
  7. Write a post where you explain the difference between a PAGE and a POST. The intended target group is a teenager who sees WordPress for the first time.
  8. How can you add a POST to your menu?
  9. Try out the themes.
    1. Find alternative themes online.
    2. Install them.
    3. Choose one that you fancy.
  10. Upload a screendump (or screendumps) of your work to fronter. That’s the mandatory assignment for today.
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