
  • Corona Game in 8 Minutes

  • Scratch

    Scratch er et pædagogisk redskab, der skal lære skoleelever og unge at programmere. Programmeringen sker med blokke, der minder om Lego. En scratch kan bruges som prototype til et spil – for kodens logik kan med få ændringer omsættes til ActionScript, Lua, Python, JavaScript osv. – Spillet starter når du klikker på den grønne fane.…

  • Photoshop Happens

    Has Photoshop gone too far?  Right now the debate is red hot in the international media. Some even suggest a ban on Photoshop. On the other hand: retouching is as old as the history of photography. Or even painting – not all portraits are completely honest. Debate on CNN On CNN the model protest against…

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