Topic: English

  • The image registration point

    On at JavaScript canvas the registration point is the top left corner. So in hit detection you have to calculate the x-position, the image width and height. In layout you should be able to figure out where to plage the images, and illustrations. Y = “up / down” X = “left / right” ( I…

  • The X and the Y axis

      On the HTML canvas the top left corner is x = 0 and y = 0. The y-axis is “up & down”. The x-axis is “left & right”.

  • Canvas Animation

    With a canvas you can animate your page. You can use images or draw geometric figures on the canvas. Here are some tutorials for canvas animation. Basic Canvas drawing. Canvas animation – see the video below. JavaScript and SVG (Peter Collinridge). Parallax Effect ( Multilayer animation ) The following presentation is not strictly JavaScript but a…

  • APIs – more or less open data

    The Instagram API is just one among many APIs. Here is a list of interesting sites: Scotland Open Data Scalar Open Art History 30 Places Open Weather New York Times These are just a few examples …. Developers can access the APIs for e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr etc. ( often a developer key,…

  • PHP: Cookie, Array, Loop

    The complete code to this article is available here. We use cookies in order to save information about or from the user input. If you compare my Firefox and Chrome browsers they will format the Microlite roleplaying web page according to random values, dates and saved input. Computergames use random values in stead of dice.…

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