Mobile Bottom Menu

Mobile Front Page

  • SSL
  • Subdomains and more than one WP
  • Progressive Web App

About this page

This page has a template called Mobile Web App.

The menu at the bottom is added with inspiration from this tutorial: How to add a Bottom Navigation on W3 Schools. You can add a bottom navigation by:

  • Custom HTML and CSS
  • Or as a nice alternative: add a menu, give it a class and use the same kind of CSS (that’s how the present page is made)

Intermediate Challenge

Now you could add responsive features, so that the bottom menu only appears on mobile devices. And if there is a top-navigation you could hide this on mobile devices.

This page is a sample

What you see here is the kind of work where you can add features to WordPress by your programming knowledge from former semesters. The next lesson will teach you how to add JavaScript and libraries.

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