Category: Twenty Seventeen

  • Gulp Proposal Debate

    I’d like to propose a gulp based build process for this theme (Ahamadwais in this thread) Ahamadwais proposed a Gulp based build process. The answer from the developer team was “keep it simple”. However they admitted that they use Grunt for the initial code. – “I think the takeaway is that solutions should not be…

  • 5 weeks to launch agenda

    Tickets running in. And only five weeks to launch. Helen Hou-Sandis’s agenda for the core developers. Bugfixes discussed by some of the developers.  

  • Twentyseventeen icon theme

    A developer from Automattic asks the community for icon themes: Right now I’m using Genericons with one custom icon, but it might be nice to have something stylistically different this year. We have a lot of flexibility here. Only requirement is that the icon set uses a GPL-compatible open source license. (Melchoyce visited 14.9. 2017) The look…

  • Twentyseventeen

    The work on twentyseventeen begins these days. The files are shared on github. And a team of designers are working together. Here are notes from the first meeting: Say Hello to Twentyseventeen The standard themes on WP are called twenty-(someting). So far Helen Hou-Sandi tells, that Twentyseventeen will be a responsive onepager. Here is a…

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