Month: January 2017

  • The Role as WP Theme-reviewer

    Anthropological field study II: experiences from the role as a theme-reviewer on It’s the next logical step To me the next logical step is to engage in themes. Since 2010 or so I have dabbled with themes. Testing themes is a challenge. Doing so will give valuable skills. That’s why I try out this role.…

  • A Fellow Researcher

    Observation Today a fellow researcher mentioned that she wanted to publish her findings on a WordPress blog. The researchers with a multimedia background promised to give an introduction to “add images and media“. Deduction I: WordPress is everywhere. It’s not just a question of the odd multimedia designer student mocking up a web presence or webshop. WordPress…

  • Theme Review Platform

    The recommended plugins for theme reviewing are installed on a localhost/wordpress/ The PHP codesniffer is ready too So basicly everything is ready in order to enter the phase of the anthropological field study: The theme review quest.  

  • phpcs for WordPress

    PHP Code sniffer is a code validator. In the tutorial: “Using PHP CodeSniffer With WordPress: Installing and Using the WordPress Rules” Tom McFarlin explains how to install the codesniffer with WordPress-specific sniffs. Then Tom McFarlin gives a demo on a phpcs on the plugin Hello Dolly: phpcs –standard=WordPress hello-dolly I have installed the sniffer following…

  • January Review Shinding

    In this shinding the gives a live demo of the phpcs (php code sniffer) and a discussion of several theme-check-tools.

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